Fix Dell XPS 9700 microphone
Table of Contents
I had some issues getting my microphone to work on my laptop. Here is the fix that worked for me. I put this here so it may help others.
1 Fix Microphone On XPS 9700
I fixed the Issue by switching the rt715 ADC 24 Mux selector in
to DMIC3.
Save settings with sudo alsactl store
. After storing the settings
you have to restore them on every boot up usinng alsactl restore
. To
safe the settings to a specific file, useful for placing it under
version control, you can specify the -f
flag in both alsactl
command followed by a file path i.e.
alsactl store -f ~/.config/alsa/asound.state alsactl restore -f ~/.config/alsa/asound.state
2 Noise Cancelation
The commands below will create a new device which you can select with
for example pavucontrol
sudo cp /etc/pulse/ /etc/pulse/ sudo cat <<EOT >> /etc/pulse/ load-module module-echo-cancel source_name=noechosource sink name=noechosink set-default-source noechosource set-default-sink noechosink EOT