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Fix Dell XPS 9700 microphone

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[2023-09-10 Sun]

I had some issues getting my microphone to work on my laptop. Here is the fix that worked for me. I put this here so it may help others.

1 Fix Microphone On XPS 9700

I fixed the Issue by switching the rt715 ADC 24 Mux selector in alsamixer to DMIC3.

Save settings with sudo alsactl store. After storing the settings you have to restore them on every boot up usinng alsactl restore. To safe the settings to a specific file, useful for placing it under version control, you can specify the -f flag in both alsactl command followed by a file path i.e.

alsactl store -f ~/.config/alsa/asound.state
alsactl restore -f ~/.config/alsa/asound.state

2 Noise Cancelation

The commands below will create a new device which you can select with for example pavucontrol.

sudo cp /etc/pulse/default.pa /etc/pulse/default.pa.bak
sudo cat <<EOT >> /etc/pulse/default.pa
     load-module module-echo-cancel source_name=noechosource
     sink name=noechosink
     set-default-source noechosource
     set-default-sink noechosink

3 Sources

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