(setq plaintext 'everywhere)

Setup Openvpn

1 Setup OpenVPN With Network Manager

[2023-10-03 Tue]

On arch based distro's.

sudo pacman -S networkmanager \
     networkmanager-openvpn \
     network-manager-applet \
     openvpn \

Download the (science) openvpn configuration file, for me that is:

wget https://gitlab.science.ru.nl/cncz/openvpn/raw/master/openvpn-ca-science.ovpn

Restart networkmanager, if you do not use runit as your init system then you'll most likely need to replace the command below with something like sudo systemctl restart NetworkManager:

sudo sv restart NetworkManager

Import the configuration:

nmcli connection import type openvpn file openvpn-ca-science.ovpn

Restart networkmanager again:

sudo sv restart NetworkManager

Start trayer and nm-applet

setsid -f trayer
setsid -f nm-applet

Open the nm-applet and configure the vpn settings by adding your user name. Click save. Connect to vpn and enter password. Now you can remove trayer and nm-applet and you can activate the vpn with nmtui, where the vpn should be shown on the bottom.

pacman -Rns network-manager-applet trayer

If something is not working, please create an issue here.