Setup Openvpn
1 Setup OpenVPN With Network Manager
On arch based distro's.
sudo pacman -S networkmanager \ networkmanager-openvpn \ network-manager-applet \ openvpn \ trayer
Download the (science) openvpn configuration file, for me that is:
Restart networkmanager, if you do not use runit
as your init system
then you'll most likely need to replace the command below with
something like sudo systemctl restart NetworkManager
sudo sv restart NetworkManager
Import the configuration:
nmcli connection import type openvpn file openvpn-ca-science.ovpn
Restart networkmanager again:
sudo sv restart NetworkManager
Start trayer and nm-applet
setsid -f trayer setsid -f nm-applet
Open the nm-applet and configure the vpn settings by adding your user
name. Click save. Connect to vpn and enter password. Now you can
remove trayer
and nm-applet
and you can activate the vpn with
, where the vpn should be shown on the bottom.
pacman -Rns network-manager-applet trayer