(setq plaintext 'everywhere)

Nix CLI Basics

Table of Contents

1 Basic Nix Command For Package Management

[2024-04-13 Sat]

Just a list of basic commands with descriptions for the nix package manager using imperative operations.

1.1 Package Managment

Search for packages is best done throught the web interface https://search.nixos.org/packages. The cli for searching is very slow.

Description Command
Searching for packages (slow) nix-env -qaP packagename
Installing a package nix-env -iA packagename
List installed packages nix-env -q
Uninstall packages nix-env -e packagename
Upgrade packages nix-env -u

1.2 Channels

Channels are where nix package definitions, etc are defined.

Description Command
Listing current channels nix-channel –list
Adding a primary channel nix-channel –add https://nixos.org/channels/channel-name nixos
Adding other channels nix-channel –add https://some.channel/url my-alias
Remove a channel nix-channel –remove channel-alias
Updating a channel nix-channel –update channel-alias
Updating all channels nix-channel –update

1.3 Garbage Collection

Uninstalling nix packages does not remove them from your system, to do that you need the nix garbage collector.

Description Command
Delete everything not currently in use nix-collect-garbage -d

2 Sources

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